



P.O. Box 151, Girard, PA 16417

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I store my rain barrel for the winter?

When water freezes in the item, it will expand and possibly crack the plastic. As temperatures drop, remove as much water as possible from your unit to get ready for the winter. We recommend storing your barrel, or most products in a protected area.

Do I need to use a mulch cover for my Picker?

This is highly recommened. Mulch covers serve multiple advantages for not only the soil but the plants as well- by preventing weed growth, as weeds, and seriously damage the plants in your garden. It’s dense enough to act as a green house cover that keeps in heat and moisture.

Is your website the only outlet to purchase these products?

No, our trustworthy products are available across the United States at many reputable retailers.

What is the best way to clean my statue?

We recommend avoiding an abrasive cleasing agent that may scratch the plastic. Use an all-purpose cleaner with warm water, apply cleanner to the surface with a damp cloth or spone and rub gently. Rinse or wipe clean.

Should I plant prior to assembly of my planter?

For an effective and uncomplicated assembly, we recommend planting upon completion.

Where do I find replacement parts or do a warranty claim?

Can I use the same soil every year?

Yes. We recommend you test the soil or add new fertilizer- you might be missing nuturients from last year.

Need help with an assembly or installation?